A few years ago I attended my first ever Bank Pool tournament at, oddly enough, The Bank Shot and got the opportunity to watch some of the best bankers in Louisville play. At first my sweating opportunities looked to be limited by my having to play some matches myself. I quickly rectified that situation and grabbed myself a chair.
While I certainly saw some great banks, what really struck me was the incredible consistency that these players showed on certain shots. I saw these shots come up game after game, and the best players shot them like they were hangers. I didn't see a miss on any of these shots all night.
The natural cross-corner. These shots are hit pretty
firmly and pretty much dead-on. Most people who are decent bankers
would consider this a pretty easy shot, but I doubt that many can
make it with the consistency that I witnessed.
I call this one the one-pocket crossover bank because
it's a very common shot in the game of one-pocket. The cueball
crosses in front of the object ball, banking it off the long rail
and into the far corner pocket.
The short straight-back. Usually shot softly with
a little outside english, banking the object ball back towards
the shooter. This shot is embarrassing to miss.
The back-cut cross-corner bank. This is a little
hard to describe. It's similar to the one-pocket crossover bank
above but the object ball is so close to the end rail that the
shot doesn't look possible. In the above diagram, you cut the object
ball to the right. It picks up some spin from the collision and
banks off the long rail into the lower left corner. Most people
hit this shot with low outside english though I don't know why.
The ball-in-hand shot. Put the cueball on the headstring,
call the object ball straight back into the right-hand corner (in
this diagram), and fire away. I'm astounded by both the speed and
consistency with which the good bankers make this shot. I'm guessing
Tiger Nall from Louisville hasn't missed this shot since 1968 or
The long straight-back. Into the lower right corner
in this case. Don't use follow or you may hug the end rail and
scratch in that corner. Another potential problem, which I am the
king of, is having the cueball hit two rails then scratch in the
Your basic cross-side. Probably the most common bank
shot there is. The trick is to be able to make it every time at
the risk of selling out. There are a variety of ways to play position
with this bank as well, and that can cause a lot of misses when
you try to do too much with the cueball.