This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
WaitingThe Blizzard Of The Century was supposed to start at midnight, but it's not doing anything outside yet. It rained a lot earlier, but I don't think that counts as a blizzard.MetaphoricalThe spray isn't too bad, and neither are the tides, but the waves suck.WowDammit.VerdictI think I have to say that, for almost every sauce, the weak point was in those too-skinny fries.ProblemThe problem with this place is that they don't know who I am.Yay!Finally done working! And it's still Saturday!FriesI really want to go to the french fries thingy if I ever get done working.WishI wish things were different.Die!Die zombies die!!!WordsI didn't give up, I gave in. I didn't surrender, I succumbed.CoolYou know what would be cool? If TeamHotness would come in. But they won't. It's too early for them.YesThat's still my answer. Only the question has changed. Dammit.TradeJust lost ten pounds of hair, so now I have room to eat ten pounds of The Dock.HmmmI'm sad today. I gets it's okay to get like this sometimes. This way I'll never forget what it feels like.WoozyI gave blood this morning. I got a free donut, though, so it worked out.MemoriesI've been having some good memories this morning.ExplanationI feel like I owe myself an explanation. A big one.EarlyUp and at 'em!KindaIn a way, it's kinda nice to know what I'll be doing with the rest of my life. In another gazillion ways, it kinda sucks.Snooze BourbonSo there.OopsI forgot that I didn't want to come to Rich O's this evening.GrumbleMeanwhile, I'm starving to death again. I probably should have eaten yesterday, when I was also starving to death.Really?Seriously?ConspiracyToday's conspiracy is that local governments pay news outlets to exaggerate snow forecasts so people won't make plans to go out of the area.Heat waveIt's supposed to get to 35 today. I hope I don't melt.