This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
GrrrThis was not my fault, but it was my decision. This was not desired, but it was necessary.MoodPbbbbbbbbbbbbt!Yay!I'm outta here!SwearI swear that a gazillion years ago it was 2:00 PM.KindaI kinda feel writey today. Nothing good came come from this mood, so it's a good thing I'm at work.OkayI braved the hellish weather and now I'm stocked up with beer for tonight and tomorrow.BrrrrrI'm totally ready for Spring now. My boss says that it's sleeting out there.HeyI hope you have a very happy birthday. I sincerely mean that.ZzzzzzzGoodnight, cruel world.HmmmIt's inertia. It just has to be inertia.DecisionI have to make the same decision every year at this time. Two years ago, it was easy. Usually it's quite tough. This year, it's a doozy. Whatever I decide, it's not going to be something I took lightly.ThundersnowIf I'm reading the page correctly, there's a chance for thundersnow Thursday night!FittingIt's fitting, actually, that her cat would turn on me so randomly.OuchThis fucking cat just bit me again.StormIt might storm tonight. I might even sit out in my garage with Picklepie. That would be nice, I think.Traffic suckedI need a beer now. Good thing I'm at Rich O's.SirensSomething major is happening. I don't know what.GrrrThis sucks.GobbleGobble gobble.SighI miss HatGirl.WeirdThere's a lady here who looks like HatGirl, except 200 years older.UghNow I'm stuffed.MineI'm baking turkeys, and they're all for me. Yay!ParadoxSeconds drag, but years fly.DreamsI've been having the weirdest dreams lately. A psychologist would have a field day with me.