This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
PinningAfter yesterday's meltdown, I'm now pinning all hopes for salvaging this weekend onto OddlyFamiliarGirl.AndI'm starving to death. I wish food was good.ESTI'm never totally sure what time it is after the switch back to regular time. All of the time-thingies in my house say it's 11:25 now, but I don't quite believe them.TimerThis movie is really well-written. It's fantastic, even.WowThat was just about the most fucked-up thing I've ever seen.Yay!SassyGirl is here!ToughSassyGirl is now charged with pulling me out of this funk. I wish her luck.Well......fuck!Crossing my fingersIt might not help, but it won't hurt.FinallyWhat a weird day. I'm so glad it's over.DraggingThis morning went quickly, but this afternoon, which I estimate started eighty-four gajillion years ago, is really dragging.Really?Seriously?GrrrrGrrrrWeird...That's what I think.Easier......said than done, in my case.NiceAn Urbock and a nice fire. I'm almost content now.HmmmI'm not sure what else I should be doing right now. Nothing, I guess.IdeaThat was a really good idea, and I'm glad I did it.FinallyI'm home now. I bet I have really nice dreams.Purty...GrowlI'm starving, and my stomach is growling.CravingLately I haven't been craving anything; all food has seemed blah. But today I'm craving one of everything in the world.FunThis is fun...kinda.ExcitedMy cats are always so excited to see me when I come home. Buddy jumps onto the dryer, and Nugget lifts his head all the way off the ground.GraspI refuse to open my hands, lest they prove to be empty.