
This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.

So now I've got Nugget's ashes. I've never had ashes before, and I'm not really sure what to do with them.
R.I.P., Nugget
I have worked every day since May 27th.
My old nemesis, we meet again.
I really need to get away from here for a while. Really.
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
(draft) Fizzy light amber in color, with a nice white head. Amazing aroma of floral hops. Medium mouthfeel. Very nice flavor, no bitterness at all. A good beer.
Poor zombie Picklepie has a hurt eye.
I'm taking the second half of today off. I don't exactly know why.
Why can't I get a job that involves sitting in my garage at night? That would be an awesome job.
Quacks are daggers...
Victory Storm King
(draft) Black with a nice tan head and good lacing. Aroma of malts and roasted malts. Medium mouthfeel. Nice roasted malt flavor with an alcohol bite at the finish. Very good.
Zombie Picklepie is out here. He's really fat. Even fatter than Happy was.
The list of people I used to be really close to has become a list of people I really miss.
I like it when I sit outside at night and my eyes adjust to the dark and it looks like everything is glowing a little.
If you don't think this is the funniest piece of mail that I've ever received in my life, then you're mistaken.

I'm numb and in shock right now. Worse feelings will, I'm sure, follow shortly.
Off with their heads!
Hail as big as gumballs.
Free lunch at O'Charley's again. CornerGirl must be feeling guilty about something.
Still undead
Today, everything is a reminder.
Harpoon Triticus
(draft) Almost black with a nice tan head. Fruity aroma. Medium mouthfeel. Tastes like a Belgian quad to me, so, it's good.
I think bowling should have a fifth row of pins.

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

vital stats

Name: David Siltz (e-mail me)
Age: 1891655392 seconds
Status: Single. Hard to believe, I know.
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
Rubik's Cube PB: 0:42.1
Interests: Mainly pool, science fiction, and severe weather.
Preoccupations: Working on my pool game, reading, and my MINI!
Favorite Beers: I especially like: harpoon winter warmer, pyramid tilted kilt, delirium tremens, alaskan smoked porter, rogue chocolate stout, weihenstephaner hefeweissbier
Pets: A cat named Newbie, but I'm looking to get a couple more. I used to have three other cats who had their own web pages and a blog that they never update anymore, mostly because they died.

Current Location

US Map
Georgetown, Indiana
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