This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
UnfreakenbelievableThose assholes didn't get my trash today.KindaIt can be kinda fun to let myself remember, as long as I only remember the good times, and not the bullshit.MaybeMaybe I've been sleeping so much because I've been sleeping so much. I'm more tired today, after nine hours of sleep, than I was earlier this week after only four hours of sleep. Hmmmm.Dear GodBrrrrrrrr! Thank you for your attention in this matter.MarzenAfter the day I've had, I really needed this.OneOne more day one more day one more day one more day...Yay!Going to stupid Jack's to see OddlyFamiliarGirl. It's been a million years, I think. I want to get some feminine advice from her.GrrrI'm going to be in a bad mood today. I'm going to miss her, and anyone who doesn't like it can go fuck themselves.IdiotSome idiot truck driver ran me off the road. I hate him. I'm glad I was driving my truck.HeyYou know what? Well, you should know.MadI would be mad if I was a mighty T-Rex, and I found out that my great great great great great great great great great great...grandson was going to be a chicken.DisclaimerSometimes I ramble.WeirdApparently, in my dream, the alien signals were coming from one of the blankets, and so we each had to sleep with a different blanket in case the signal reappeared.WhoaI'm totally freaking out right now. I don't know what to do.AttitudeRight now, I miss the past and the future. The present? Not so much. I wish I could keep this attitude.DifferenceThere's a difference between a lie and an error.YepIt's definitely a Tremens kind of day.WowReally?!?Semi-cute girl got her parking spotMondayUp and at 'em!WarmerNot a cage either, but that's warmer.ThatIt was never about that for me. Maybe it should have been, or maybe I should have said it was. That's pretty fucked up.NiceHaving a nice date with Dirty Helen.NotNot an anchor. Something, but not an anchor.FinallyIt's about damn time.