This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
Ommegang Scythe & Sickle(draft) Clear bronze with a light white lasting head. Aroma is bright, as if that means anything to anyone but me. Coating mouthfeel. Very light flavor of apple peels and malts. A barely decent beer, from one of my all-time favorite breweries.New Albanian Dirty Squirrel(draft) Black with a good tan head. Nice lacing. Aroma of roasted malts. Medium mouthfeel. Very good flavor, mostly roasted malts and chocolate. An excellent beer.New Albanian Holly King(draft) Hazy amber with a nice white head and good lacing. Aroma of apples and spices. Medium mouthfeel. Very nice flavor, like the aroma, and very nicely balanced. Quite good.Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Dunkel(bottle) Cloudy light brown, with a large tan head. Aroma of roasted malts and wheat. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor malty and wheaty. Good.FinallyI think my weekend can finally start.NotJust got home from work. Have to be back in at 8:00. Should be awesome.Yay!It arrived!!!ForgotI forgot to say that CornerGirl fubared my shoulder today. So pity me.OopsI forgot my (cheap) cue at stupid Jack's tonight. Lucky for me, the bartender was paying attention and he grabbed it for me.ElseAnything else is a lie, and therefore a waste of time.NABC Cloven Foot(draft) Black with a smallish tan head. Aroma of roasted malts and apples. So far so good. Mouthfeel a little thin. Flavor very malty, but with a touch of Belgian yeast. A good beer.DickCornerGirl says Wolverine's brother was kind of a dick. I have to agree.OuchBiting the fuck out of my tongue today. This is because I'm a nice person, not a world-class bitch. Like some people who can't even reply to the simplest and most innocent messages.Pondering.......timing.HmmmNABC Naughty Claus 2012(draft) Clear amber in color. Decent lasting white head. Strong spicy aroma. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor nicely balanced with malts and spices. Quite good.Anchor Christmas Ale 2012(draft) Very dark brown. Decent tan head. Aroma of malts and spices. Duh. Flavor more of the same. A little subdued. Good.Oh wellI thought it was her car, but I guess it wasn't.Yay!Five-day weekend!TremensAt Rich O's having a Tremens. This beer always makes me miss HatGirl for some reason.HotThere's a hot girl here in the waiting area with me. I'm trying to neither stare nor drool.DelayedI was supposed to work at noon. Now it's been pushed back to 1:00. I hope it doesn't keep getting delayed and ruin my Sunday.OccupyingAt Rocky's for my sister's birthday dinner. Good timing, because I'm starving to death right now.YepTonight, also.OTRPearlGirl brought me some OTR from Cincy. That was nice of her.