
This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.

If you have something to say, just say it. I'm too old and in too much pain for stupid games.
This is a million times worse than the original procedure. I hope it ends up being worth it.
New Albanian The Dunwich Porter
(draft) Black with minimal brown head. Very nice aroma of smoke and chocolate. Thick mouthfeel. Flavor malty and chocolatey, with a touch of smoke. A very good beer.
And now it's broken again.
The heat in my house has magically fixed itself.
I'm in a shitty mood. Weird, I know.
Henceforth, NotHideousGirl's cats will be nicknamed PrettyGirl and BrainDamage. Also, henceforth is a funny word.
I ended up getting breakfast at Burger King for me and CornerGirl. That was nice of me. And the food was yummy.
It's not even 7:30 and I'm already starving to death.
Rivertown War
(draft) Hazy brown. Ridiculously huge head. Nice campfire aroma. Flavor very smoky and malty. Fucking yummy.
I'm remembering a really good day, almost four years ago.
This is the kind of crap I think about
A long time, but not long enough. Still alive, but not alive enough. Almost dead, but nowhere near dead enough.
I had a really good dream last night.
Rivertown Pumpkin Ale
(draft) Slightly hazy amber. Smallish white head with good lacing. Aroma of pumpkin and nutmeg and other spices. Smooth mouthfeel. Spicy flavor and finish. A yummy beer.
Wells Banana Bread Beer
(bottle) Fizzy amber with a diminishing white head. Strong aroma of bananas and maybe cloves. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor not as strong as the aroma had led me to expect. Bananas and malts. Finish is coating and sweet. Decent. Not as good as I'd hoped.
...it's this place.
The best girl I've ever met, and the worst girl I've ever met? Same girl, but thanks for asking.
Weihenstephaner Vitus
(draft) Hazy greenish-yellow, with a minimal white head. Aroma of bananas and wheat, typical for the style. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor typical for a Belgian Wheat, but with more of everything. Fucking yummy.
Meanwhile, today is an anniversary of sorts. I do not, however, think a celebration is in order.
I found myself suddenly starving to death. Good thing we're at IHOP.
Rogue Voodoo Doughnut
(bottle) Fizzy amber with a large white head. Strong aroma of maple syrup and a touch of smoke. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor of maple syrup is pretty much overpowering anything else that might be there. Weird, and just barely decent.
Rogue 15,000
(draft) Very dark brown, with a nice brownish head. Aroma of malts and dark fruits. Fairly thick mouthfeel. Flavor of mostly malts. A touch of dark fruits. Fairly good.
I know in my brain that it's been years, but in my heart it was only last week, yesterday, this morning.
Engaging Plan B...

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

vital stats

Name: David Siltz (e-mail me)
Age: 1891744146 seconds
Status: Single. Hard to believe, I know.
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
Rubik's Cube PB: 0:42.1
Interests: Mainly pool, science fiction, and severe weather.
Preoccupations: Working on my pool game, reading, and my MINI!
Favorite Beers: I especially like: harpoon winter warmer, pyramid tilted kilt, delirium tremens, alaskan smoked porter, rogue chocolate stout, weihenstephaner hefeweissbier
Pets: A cat named Newbie, but I'm looking to get a couple more. I used to have three other cats who had their own web pages and a blog that they never update anymore, mostly because they died.

Current Location

US Map
Georgetown, Indiana
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