This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
Guest reviewEww, chocolatey beer? That sounds gross...sip sip sip...hey this would be great over ice cream!Rogue Double Chocolate Stout(bottle) Pours black and syrupy. Minimal brown head. Enticing chocolate aroma. Flavor of chocolate and roasted malts. Very malty. Incredibly yummy.TrickThe trick seems to be to have a selective memory. I'm still working on it.TaperingI always get a little sad when snow starts to taper off. If it's going to snow anyway, I want at least a foot. I'd prefer about eight feet.MeanieGood morning anyway.ImpossibleI dreamed that work was making me choose between Detroit and Memphis for relocation. What an impossible choice!GoneThe dork is gone. Now I'm going to stupid Bearno's because it's pizza night. And then I have to stop at the stupid mini-mart and get cat food. I swear, those cats eat more than I do.MarsHell yes, I'd go, even if it was guaranteed to be a one-way trip. There's a chance, after all, that it might be far enough away.WeirdI've had the weirdest feeling lately. My mind wanders...So damn weird. The needle has left the groove...HomeI just got home. I'm going to be mad at OddlyFamiliarGirl tomorrow for making me stay out so late. But it had been almost a month. We had a lot of catching up to do.ReallyHad a really really nice time today. Really.FallingSo, if you can fall in love, then why can you later fall out of love? Why can't you climb or fly or something? Why is it always about falling?ChangeI just want to say, I'm not the one who changed. I'm still the same.Ha!See, some people appreciate me.GlaringRich O's was dead, at least the bar area. Now I'm at stupid Jack's glaring at my phone. Fun!HazyI suppose it would help if I actually knew what I wanted, beyond just for things to be better between us.HmmmThinking about going to stupid Jack's. I feel like demolishing somebody on the pool table.DreamHad the longest dream ever. I stayed in the dream because I was needed, though.DammitSo there.NiceI just had a really nice memory resurface. I'm smiling now.BetterI'm feeling surprised today. Weird, but better than sad.OkayI'm ready to go home now. My galactic empires awaits.WowIt's January 7th already. This year is flying by.HopeYou know what? Fuck it. I kept hope alive through a whole lot of nothing for years. I can nurture it for a while longer.AllAll that does is make this tougher, you know.