This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
Yay!I'm really excited about going to sleep now!DammitSo there.Nom nomKorner Kitchen isn't quite Arni's, but it's still yummy!SloppyWe made a movie today. We could have used a real producer.BookedVegas, baby!BrilliantI just had a brilliant idea for pizza night. I can't believe I never thought of it before.UghI really wish that today was a holiday for my company.He's alive! Yay!StuffedThose fries really hit the spot. I may never have to eat again.CravingI'm craving fries from Five Guys. Maybe I'll even eat one.RememberIt's not the behavior, it's the person behind the behavior.WeirdI'm at some weird place. My life may be in danger. Or my sanity.TrickFor my next trick, I will take a shower and put on clothes.DarnOur first something to look forward to...Hot"Hot lesbian witches. Think about it. It's fucking genius!"SighI wish this thing that never changes would fucking change.HeyPpppbbbbtttt!!!WaitingAt Sportstime, waiting for my growler and pizza. Getting excited!So thereI was just thinking about something. I should stop. But it's kinda nice, so I'll see where it takes me.WaitWait, I can't sleep tonight. I have a thingy. Oh well, that should be fun, too.SleepI slept for 10 hours. I can't wait to get off work so I can sleep again. I think I'm catching up for all those years when sleep eluded me.HomeNow I'm home because I remembered, in the nick of time, that stupid Bearno's is stupid.Dear universeThere are too many dipshits.Wednesday I thinkI'm pretty sure I'm going to miss her today. That should be fun.TimingToo soon? Perhaps. But also, maybe too late.