This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
WowI had a thought. I forgot it, but then I just now remembered it. Good thing I'm going to bed. You're welcome.SacrilegeThey just played some Gary fucker's cover of Dell Shannon's classic Runaway. I may puke now.NobleThere's something noble, I think, about inventing hope where none exists. Or maybe retarded. I forget which.OtherEarlier I estimated that 71% of this is normal and understandable. It's those remaining 29% that bother me.WoeGoing to stupid Jack's, all by myself, because certain people are busy again. Woe is me.GrizzledI wonder if I should shave. It's been like nine days.CrazyI dunno, if I was a crazy guy I'd probably hang out under a bridge. Or inside one of those big drainage pipes that go under expressways. Those are cool.Hi ho hi hoI have to go to work for a bit. I bet I get sick again as soon as I get outside.So......that was Christmas. Meh.DespairSome things never change, and sometimes I find comfort in that fact, and sometimes I find something else.MoviesThis morning I watched a movie about a slut. Now I'm watching one about a bunch of dickheads. I'm on a roll, it seems.DripToday I'm all about the post-nasal drip. That usually means that I'm starting to get better. I hope so.You're welcomeLast night I slept with a Kleenex stuffed into each nostril, so I wouldn't flood the entire Earth with snot. That's why my throat was so sore this morning, because I had to breathe through my mouth all night. Oh, the things I do for you people.Worth a tryTaking some 3-year-old Sudafed now. Maybe I'll develop super powers.Hey!Hi!Christmas jokeA man's name is Rudolph, and since he is Russian, people call him "Rudolph the Red." Rudolph looks out the window and says to his wife, "Oh look honey, it's raining outside." She begs to differ, "No, I think that's snow." He looks at her and says: "Rudolph the Red knows rain dear."GreatNow my throat is so sore that it hurts to swallow. This is just great.ExcuseAs an excuse for the purple wig, I offer a reminder that it was HatGirl's birthday.BarflyIt makes me sad, but it tastes good.NopeI won't be there tonight. Instead, I'll be at HatGirl's birthday. Yay!WantI want to get some drunk texts tonight.NiceIt's nice to have people to care about, and vice-versa.Yay!HatGirl!NotI'm so sad that the bitter old hag here is mad at me.WowI just had an almost overwhelming urge to text her a dinner invitation. I won't, though. Wow, though. Just, just wow.