This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
Pondering......kitties and stuff.ThoseHaving one of those days.Henry Wienhard's Woodland Pass IPA(bottle) Very clear gold. Light grassy aroma. Minimal white head. Thin mouthfeel. Flavor of grass and citrus. Barely decent.BrilliantTook the second half of today off. This was a brilliant idea.OuchReality has just now smacked me in the face with a baseball bat.WTF?Harpoon Pumpkin UFO(bottle) Hazy dark orange. Smallish white head. Nice aroma of wheat and pumpkin and spices. Fizzy mouthfeel and flavor. A very dry finish. Decent.Very coolNewsThe good news is that I've finally decided who's vote I'm going to cancel out in November. The bad news is that there were an incredible number of candidates.Southern Tier Imperial Pumking(bottle) Fizzy gold with a smallish whitish head. A pretty nice pumpkin aroma. Creamy mouthfeel. A definite pumpkin flavor, with notes of malts and dark fruits. A very slight alcohol burn upon swallowing. Very good.AlsoDammit.Pretty Things Fluffy White Rabbits(bottle) Hazy light orange, with no head to speak of. Light aroma of wood and apple peels. Fizzy applely mouthfeel and flavor. An irritating hoppy finish that does nothing to help anything. Decent is all I can say.New Albanian Gratzilla(draft) Fizzy light orange in color. Decent white head that faded quickly. Aroma of oak and smoke and oranges - all very light. Fizzy mouthfeel. Just a touch of smoke and oak and some weirdness that may be the oak. Not bad at all.HaSometimes I have to laugh out loud.ObjectFor the record, I object.OfficialI arrived at stupid Jack's wearing what are essentially my slippers. So, it's official. I'm old.CantaloupeSo, yesterday I ate cantaloupe for the first time in maybe 40 years, and today there's a big recall of cantaloupes because people are dying from salmonella. I knew there was a reason I didn't like them. Stupid orange mushy watermelon-wannabes.BoringOccupying the world's longest meeting.MeanMean mean meanie.Freigeist Abraxas(bottle) Hazy orange in color. No head whatsoever. Light aroma of wheat and hops and smoke. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor a slightly tart wheat beer but with a very light touch of smoke. Much more tame and less weird than I was expecting. Good, though.ElevenI slept for eleven hours. I was tired, apparently.DrownSometimes, it nearly drowns me. Sometimes, I wish it would succeed. Usually not, though.BasilGoing to CornerGirl's to eat something with basil now. I might be allergic to basil. If so, then I'll miss some of you when I'm dead from the basil. In other news, basil is a funny word.PoutingBuddy is pouting because I'm sitting in "his" spot on the couch.
DistractedI was having so much fun glaring at my phone last night, I totally forgot to set my trash out for pickup. I hate it when that happens.