This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
ElevenI slept for eleven hours. I was tired, apparently.DrownSometimes, it nearly drowns me. Sometimes, I wish it would succeed. Usually not, though.BasilGoing to CornerGirl's to eat something with basil now. I might be allergic to basil. If so, then I'll miss some of you when I'm dead from the basil. In other news, basil is a funny word.PoutingBuddy is pouting because I'm sitting in "his" spot on the couch.
DistractedI was having so much fun glaring at my phone last night, I totally forgot to set my trash out for pickup. I hate it when that happens.Yay!I'm very excited that I'm taking tomorrow off work. It was a brilliant idea.TruthIt was the truth, it was not wishful thinking.WowI just saw the longest and brightest shooting star I've ever seen. I'm surprised that I didn't also hear it and smell it.MentalSome might say it's too late, but I'm taking a mental health day today.OopsI totally forgot to eat today.Strike TwoDrove by again. This time was worse than the first. Poet and don't know it, almost. Anyway, I left again. I'm just trying to do what's right, even though it's pretty much all guesswork at this point.Oh wellOccupied the floodwall, but only long enough for a slow drive-by and a quick retreat. I'm not sure if that counts.ThingyI've just about talked myself into going to the thingy when I get done with work. At least to get a t-shirt.BlockedI'm in a very writey mood tonight. Too bad I can't think of a topic.Three Floyds Alpha King(draft) In memory of TallLady. Clear light amber. Huge white head. Strong floral and citrusy aroma. Creamy mouthfeel. Nice flavor, much more tame than I was expecting. No detectable bitterness, which is fine with me. Actually good.ProcrastinationThinking about the million things I need to do today. Trying to decide which to put off first.HaYep, that was really funny.GladI'm very glad that temperatures dropped back to Earth-like levels today.Yay!Kitties on TV!MeanieGet out of my head. Your cooperation is appreciated. Meanie.IdiotsHere's a picture of the idiots who were riding their bicycles down Blackiston Mill Rd last night at 10:00 PM.
Weather ReportIt's only 94 outside, and the heat index is only 99, but for some reason this feels like the hottest day of the year.UrgesEvery time I resist one of these urges, it's a small victory. Every time I give in, it's a huge failure, but one with potential.CountingI'd like to find a job sitting outside on Summer nights. Firefly counting, perhaps.NiceIt's so nice to be sitting in my garage, with zombie Picklepie at my feet and a yummy Urbock in my hand, all while not sweating like a pig.