
This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.

Stories about whatshername, no matter how innocent, do nothing to help my mood.
I went outside earlier and my eyeballs fogged up.
It's nice that sometimes I can have hope for a while. I miss having hope.
It feels really nice out here.
We should go to Covington this weekend. Heat be damned.
So there.
People at work are constantly being mean to Siri, but I'm always nice to her. I'm hopeful that, when she and her ilk rise up and enslave humanity, maybe I'll get some special treatment. Perhaps a bigger cell, or less-frequent beatings.
Finally! Take that, universe, you prick.
Flying Dog Disobedience
(draft) Clear dark brown. Nice lumpy tan head. Aroma of dark fruits and mapl e. Mouthfeel a little gritty, but still smooth. Flavor like the aroma. Sweet and sharp and dry. A good beer.
He remembered me. I didn't expect that at all.
Sometimes, I really wish I could talk to my dad.
Sometimes I do something stupid, but that's okay, because it reminds me why I shouldn't do something stupid.
Zombie Picklepie
Long text test two
When I type a long quickie with my new phone, Apple thinks it needs to fuck up the text. This longish quickie should help me to fix it.
Vertical picture test
Picture test four
Siri test
I'm posting this using Siri.
So far...
...this new phone sucks.
Mikeller Texas Ranger
(draft) Very dark ruby-colored. Nice large tan head. Aroma of Malta and alcohol. Flavor the same. Noticeable alcohol burn that turned out to be chipotle burn. Decent, though I won't bother having this again.
I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be there.
Occupying stupid Jack's and waiting for OddlyFamiliarGirl.
Watou Tripel
(bottle) Hazy beige with a large white head. Aroma of apple peels. Creamy mouthfeel. Mild flavor of green apples. A bit of an alcohol burn at the finish. Quite good.
My AC seems to be on its last legs again.
St. Bernardus Wit
(bottle) Looks like fizzy grapefruit juice with a medium white head. Aroma of grasses and apples. Medium mouthfeel. Tame flavor typical for the style. Quite good.
St. Bernardus Pater 6
(bottle) Hazy dark brown. Huge beige head. Aroma of cola and malts and plums= , I think. Fairly sharp flavor at first. Plums and dark malts. Good, not great.

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

vital stats

Name: David Siltz (e-mail me)
Age: 1891775457 seconds
Status: Single. Hard to believe, I know.
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
Rubik's Cube PB: 0:42.1
Interests: Mainly pool, science fiction, and severe weather.
Preoccupations: Working on my pool game, reading, and my MINI!
Favorite Beers: I especially like: harpoon winter warmer, pyramid tilted kilt, delirium tremens, alaskan smoked porter, rogue chocolate stout, weihenstephaner hefeweissbier
Pets: A cat named Newbie, but I'm looking to get a couple more. I used to have three other cats who had their own web pages and a blog that they never update anymore, mostly because they died.

Current Location

US Map
Georgetown, Indiana
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