This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
FittingOccupying the cemetery in the rain.ScoreI went to shake a "pebble" out of my shoe, and it turned out to be a little pearl earring.GrrrWork is making me switch to an iPhone. I'm quite pissed.NeglectedI'm going to sit in my garage for a while and glare at my phone. I feel like I've been neglecting it lately. Poor phone.PassFor a changeOccupying stupid Bearno's.LimitedMy kingdom, for an Alaskan Smoked Porter. This is a limited-time offer.FinallyWhoaThere be a cow now.WeirdSitting at stupid Jack's watching two guys play bank pool and, if that's not weird enough, they don't totally suck.Yay!Three-day weekend!RealityWhat if it really is just a story, that the mind tells itself, in a valiant attempt to make sense of it all?WhateverI'm off Friday. We should meet up or something.EyeI have an eye appointment tomorrow morning. We should at least start discussing a follow-up procedure.DeadDeadLady is here at Rich O's. It's nice to see her.AverageI swear, the average age in this place has got to be at least 120.AtAt Denny's with CornerGirl, plus every old person in the world.CravingI'm really craving breakfasty food for some reason.HelloZombie Picklepie says, "Hello."AgainAt stupid Jack's again. Waiting for OddlyFamiliarGirl again.MeanwhileI'm still awake for some reason.BrrrI just went out to my garage, but I froze to death so I had to come back inside my house.FingersCrossing them.DisguiseI'm in disguise tonight; I'm smiling.ProductiveI had a productive day.