
This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.

Paws, er, pause
One thing that gives me some pause is that I think one time I used my cake pan as a litter box.
Slept for twelve hours. That's perfectly normal, right?
I think Floyd County is going to slide into the Gulf of Mexico.
My phone keeps warning me about a flood warning. I live at the top of a big hill. Millions of people would have to die before I'd have to worry about flooding.
Can't sleep. Watching Prison Break with The Reverend.
A year ago tomorrow I wrote an impassioned plea to see someone on his birthday. This year, asking would be pointless, but I still wish a very happy birthday to a very great little kid. So there.
Thursday I think
Having one of those crappy days where the need seems insurmountable. This too shall pass.
Trying to decide if I should start getting excited or not. Probably not.
I get so tired of training new bartenders. Maybe I should just drink frosted swill and stop being such a pain in the ass.
I just realized that I left work early on 4/20. That probably raised some eyebrows.
I am totally screwed.
Sustained several scratches while carrying my cat into my basement. Other than that the storm was a non-event for me.
They just drew an arrow, from a suspected tornado, right to my house.
Sitting in my garage, glaring at my phone as I wait for our new tornadic overlords to arrive.
Brooklyn Main Engine Start Belgian Pale Ale
(draft) Hazy gold, with a nice white head that lasted. Aroma of hops and malts. Very light flavor. Not worth my time.
Tyranena Dirty Old Man Rye Imperial Porter
(draft) Clear dark brown. Minimal tan head. Aroma of whiskey and oaky vanilla. Creamy mouthfeel. Mild flavor of malts and whiskey.
Oh well
Thinking about something I'm shouldn't be thinking about, featuring a person I definitely shouldn't be thinking about.
Bracing myself
Got a call from the Army kid's insurance. Told him what happened, and sent him a picture of the damage. Now I'm waiting to see if they're going to screw me.
Updated my will. Ready for the tornadoes.
Got home just in time to turn around and go in to work.
CartGirl wants to go where it's cold. I want to stay where it's warm. It's on.
I came to stupid Bearno's. The girl with the unfortunate name is working, plus she ignored me when I said an unfrosted glass.
I'm craving a cake. A strawberry-flavored cake with banana-flavored icing.

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

vital stats

Name: David Siltz (e-mail me)
Age: 1886047640 seconds
Status: Single. Hard to believe, I know.
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
Rubik's Cube PB: 0:42.1
Interests: Mainly pool, science fiction, and severe weather.
Preoccupations: Working on my pool game, reading, and my MINI!
Favorite Beers: I especially like: harpoon winter warmer, pyramid tilted kilt, delirium tremens, alaskan smoked porter, rogue chocolate stout, weihenstephaner hefeweissbier
Pets: A cat named Newbie, but I'm looking to get a couple more. I used to have three other cats who had their own web pages and a blog that they never update anymore, mostly because they died.

Current Location

US Map
Georgetown, Indiana
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