
This is my site. It's not yours. If it was yours, I probably wouldn't be writing in it. Or at least not as much. And you'd probably be the protagonist, not me.

This site contains no nudity. You should be grateful for that, after seeing how many home movies I have here. This site does, however, contain a fair amount of profanity, especially the blog entries. I could go back and change everything to give the site a more family-friendly rating but I don't fucking want to.

So, if you're under 18 years old, then you should leave this site, and get off my lawn. If you're an adult, yet some kind of pansy who's offended by adult language in a personal blog, it would probably be a good idea for you to leave also.

If you're too horrified to look away, however, I invite you to stick around and see what my little corner of the Internet has to offer.

The lamp in the corner served only to illuminate itself - its light no longer reached the walls, or the floor, or the ceiling. Or the grotesque scene on the bed.

- a random quote from my 'blog (context) (all)

Anyway, here are my last five quickies. Older quickies are here.
I spent way too long clawing my way out of that dark well. No way am I going to jump back in. I'm not even going to get close enough to risk falling into it.
I think I'll procrastinate later this week. Or maybe next week. It's hard to tell; I'm pretty busy. Eventually I'll get around to procrastinating, though.
One button, done or undone. Either way speaks volumes.
People keep griping about the heat, Meanwhile, I have finally stopped shivering.
The difference between a beer connoisseur, or however you spell it, and a beer snob is this: A beer snob will make fun of you for drinking swill, even if you claim to like it. I am a beer snob.

Friday, April 26, 2024
posted by dave at 12:46 PM in category ramblings

I'm in a bit of a mood today. No reason. I just am.

I found myself reading through a lot of my old 'blog posts. A lot of my favorites.

I wrote some good stuff back then.

I miss that tortured artist I used to be. Maybe I wasn't really an artist, but that writer was certainly more of an artist than I am. And I was definitely tortured.

I miss that guy.

I hope I never see him again.

Sunday, June 13, 2021
posted by dave at 2:44 PM in category general

Option 1:
1. Pick up any trash thoughout the house and dispose of it properly.
2. Pick up any dirty dishes throughout the house and move them to the kitchen.
3. Pick up any dirty laundry throughout the house and put in a hamper/pile/whatever.
- Room by room -
4. Move anything that doesn't belong in the room to the correct room.
5. Move anything that belongs in the room to its proper place.
6. Dust, clean windows, mirrors, counters, stuff like that.
7. Sweep, vacuum, or mop the room.
(Repeat steps 4-7 for each room)

Option 2:
1. Do steps 1-5 above. This is known as pre-cleaning.
2. Pay someone to do steps 6-7 above.

Option 3:
1. Burn down your house.
2. Use the insurance money to have a new clean house built.

Friday, June 11, 2021
posted by dave at 11:09 PM in category general, general

Got a call from the mechanic - my truck is ready. I had them do all the regular tune-up stuff, but most importantly I had them:

1. Put on the new rear bumper since I turned out to be way too old/weak to get the old bumper off.
2. Get my fucking windshield washer thingies to work for longer than 4 seconds.

Tomorrow my friend is taking me to get my truck. Then it will go back into my garage to sit. I still have my MINI and my CVPI, after all. And they have air conditioning.

posted by dave at 10:07 PM in category general

Even though I stopped writing here, I didn't totally stop writing altogether. Nope, I managed to update my Facebook thingy every now and then, mostly just to make sure my sisters knew I was still alive.

It seems like a daunting task, but I think I want to take my old Facebook thingy updates and copy them over here.

I probably will never actually do this, but I'm at least thinking about it.

And it's the thought that counts, right?


Saturday, June 5, 2021
posted by dave at 4:38 PM in category drink

That's what my family called Weihenstephaner Hefeweizen. It was one of the few good beers I could get them to drink at Rich O's.

I went there today for a pizza, and saw to my delight that they had good old WeffenSteffen on tap. It was as delicious as ever. I was a little ashamed when I checked my app and saw that I hadn't had it since 2015.

posted by dave at 12:32 PM in category general

So far today I've driven to Indianapolis and back. So now half the day has been killed.

I never said this would be interesting.

Thursday, June 3, 2021
posted by dave at 10:30 PM in category general

Got a facebook friend request from an "Earpo Dagman" today.

Yet another stripper, from the looks of her thumbnail picture.

I deleted the request.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
posted by dave at 6:13 PM in category general

One thing that I guess is kind of interesting about these missing years is that I'm learning Japanese. When I started, my goal was to retire in Japan some day. I'm not sure if that's still my goal or not, but I'm still trying to learn. If for no other reason, keeping my brain busy might stave off senility for a while longer.

So, along with my native English, I'm what you might call barely conversational in Spanish, and I hope to become at least that proficient in Japanese.

posted by dave at 2:44 PM in category general

Yes, it's been a while. Quite a while, actually.

If you're expecting something to catch you up, well this as good a time as any to get used to disappointment.

If I wrote an entry to recap the last several years, I'd probably want to kill myself before I even got close to 2021. And then I might never get anything written.

So this is all you're going to get:

I'm still here. Somehow.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021
posted by dave at 3:06 PM in category general

Last night I saw a dead cicada on my basement floor. I made a mental note to think about throwing it away sometime in the next year or two. This morning there are four pieces of that cicada on my basement floor.

In summary, my cat is gross.

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

vital stats

Name: David Siltz (e-mail me)
Age: 1882471895 seconds
Status: Single. Hard to believe, I know.
Occupation: Computer Systems Engineer
Rubik's Cube PB: 0:42.1
Interests: Mainly pool, science fiction, and severe weather.
Preoccupations: Working on my pool game, reading, and my MINI!
Favorite Beers: I especially like: harpoon winter warmer, pyramid tilted kilt, delirium tremens, alaskan smoked porter, rogue chocolate stout, weihenstephaner hefeweissbier
Pets: A cat named Newbie, but I'm looking to get a couple more. I used to have three other cats who had their own web pages and a blog that they never update anymore, mostly because they died.

Current Location

US Map
Georgetown, Indiana
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