This is just something I've been messing with lately. The idea is that I can email these little snippets to my site, and then you people can read them. These will, in theory, be stupid things that aren't worth a real blog entry.
WowSomebody tell me when this is supposed to start getting easier.AlreadyIt's already stupid hot out here.UghI wish they didn't have to hold Monday mornings on Monday mornings. It's adding insult to injury.SometimesSometimes, the things that come out of my mouth simply floor me.Brewdog Paradox Smokehead (Batch 15)(bottle) The color of dark cola. No head whatsoever. Aroma was weird. Dark fruits reminded me of a strong Belgian. Surprising to find this aroma in an imperial stout. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor was surprisingly good. Fruity and malty. Definitely different. I have another bottle in my fridge, and I'm looking forward to opening it soon.ThreeMake that three times now.SaturdayI must put on clothes. I must leave my house. In that order. I must get motivated.NahShe would never be that cruel. Not even her.HairsI just realized that I've only had my hairs cut twice in 2011.StupidChecked in at stupid Bearno's.GrrrIf I had wanted a fuckbuddy, I would have already had one.Drunken rednecksShouldn't these people be out huntin' or fishin' or beatin' up some minority or something?StarvingI'm starving to death today.OopsSlept too long. Mass hysteria has ensued.DinnerMeeting SneakyGirl for dinner. I don't know how to tell her, but I'm not hungry at all.HeatedHeated technical discussions always get me excited about work.ProblemTyping into this phone is a pain. My old phone was a lot better in that regard.SardinesSneakyGirl brought sardines for the kitties! Buddy and Picklepie seem to love them. Nugget, of course, is scared of them.EveryEvery word that everyone on Earth told me was true. I should remember that. I won't, though.Yay!Anger achieved!BoringI'm bored today. The last week was so hectic it seemed to fly by, but today is really dragging.StillStill, it's so weird that I have her cat.AndAnd I most definitely don't need the reminder of what I've lost.PicklepieHe's a great cat, but sometimes I'm grateful when he's not out here with me. Sometimes I don't want any distractions from my thoughts.StarsIt sucks that there's all this light pollution. I can only see a small percentage of the stars I used to be able to see when I was a kid. Of course the stars were all a lot closer together back then.