Keith D wrote:
> Focus on the table as you walk around it, I have knocked over
> a waitress and barely mumbled an apology (I apologized later
> and gave her a large tip) because I would not take my eyes
> off the table.
I've found that when I'm shooting my best I focus on the cue-ball. My eyes hardly ever leave the cue-ball from the time I shoot a shot until I get ready for the next shot. Often I find myself confirming that the object ball went in simply by the sound of it dropping, so great is the hypnotic power of the cue-ball as it moves into position for the next shot. I play and move around the table fairly quickly, and many times I find myself down in position ready to stroke - only to have to wait for the cueball to arrive at its intended location.
Trying to force this level of concentration by intentionally focusing on the cue-ball sometimes works, but usually not. I think for me the focusing is a symptom of my concentration level - not a cause. So it's not quite a chicken/egg thing for me, more like a chicken/chicken sandwich thing.