posted by dave on Monday, July 19, 2004 at 10:15 PM in category practice

Nothing gets posted here because nothing happens when I play.

I still cannot make any regular shots. My banks are okay, but even those have seen no improvement since January.

It's really not from lack of trying.


I just lost it so bad that I often fear I'll never get it back.

All the fun has gone from this for me.

Tonight I played my first game of bowlliards in several years. I got a 210, which was about 100 points more than I expected to get. I relied soley on shotmaking and didn't even think about shape.

I had no open frames, which really surprised me.

After that minor uplift I tried a new game that's played like bowlliards expect that instead of making 10 balls in a frame I need to BANK 5 balls. At the end of 10 frames I double the score.

I got a 50.

I think that's pretty bad, but I won't know for sure until I play some more games.

I should note that I do not expect to ever score 300 at this game in my entire life. I also don't expect anyone else to ever score 300 at this game.

That would take 60 banks in a row.

Not likely.

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