posted by dave on Monday, August 16, 2004 at 9:18 AM in category whatever

Last night I wondered what the odds of banking nine in arrow would be.

Here are some attempts to quantify the odds.

For the first run, I assume that the nine shots range evenly from a 90% make to a 10% make. Multiplying that out (.1*.2*.3*.4*.5*.6*.7*.8*.9) I get a .000362880 chance of running nine banks, or once every 2756 attempts.

That seems a little too tough, so I tweaked the difficulty of the shots.

If I assume a more realistic difficulty range, like .5*.5*.5*.7*.4*.9*.7*.2*.6, I get .002646 or a 1 in 377 chance.

This time it seems too easy, but you get the idea.

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