posted by dave on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 12:45 AM in category movies

I've been working on embedding videos, and I guess it's time to test it in public.

So here is an old video of me shooting pool and almost accomplishing something.

Please let me know if it displays okay. This requires Flash 8 I guess. And probably a broadband connection.

comments (3)

Hey man,
The video displays great here! nicely done!

- "Strike"

hey ..its been almost kinda like a year that im coming to ur website ...watched and learned alot and sure it refleted on my game after a lot of practise and its been nice to known as the bankmaster ;) i just thought i would give respect to where its due ..thansk alot .....

Im from bangladesh and most of the player dont even know here that bank pool exist ....i showed them ur vdo and they think ur insane ...sorry :)

Ever thought of loading ur vdo to youtube ?? it will spread lot easily and many ppl will know abt ur game ..i think u should do that ....if u dont have time will u mind if i load one of ur vdos on youtube ?

I would very much prefer that none of my videos get posted to YouTube. In fact I would very much prefer that ALL of my site content stay at


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