Well it looks like the human has finally fixed whatever it was that was broken, because I was able to log in again.
Luckily not much has been going on here that was worth posting about EXCEPT:
The curse I put on the outside cat seems to be working. She just keeps getting thinner and thinner. I feel a little bad for her but I had to teach her a lesson for that one time she ran into the house and ate some of MY food.
One day a few weeks ago Nugget started freaking out because he couldn't pee. I thought that was pretty cool - he wouldn't be using MY litterbox as much - but the human felt sorry for the little brat and put him in the Cage of Doom and took him to the shot lady's house. When Nugget came home he smelled like medicine and now he can pee again.
Shortly after that, maybe even the same day, the human changed our brand of food. The new stuff tastes okay I guess, but I really liked the chewy centers of the old food.
Let's see, about the only other thing that's been going on has been that Happy is going through some kind of midlife crisis or something. He's running and jumping all over the place and one time he even managed to get his fat ass up on the kitchen counter. Then he was too scared to jump back down so he had to wait for the human to come home. That was pretty funny.