posted by nugget on Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 11:08 PM in category food

Dear Vacuum Lady,

I live at the humans house. I'm the gray cat. I'm really sorry to bother
you, but I'm at my wit's end.

The lid is missing from the little bathroom here at the human's house. The
human likes to rub catnip powder on the lid and I like to lick the powder.
Since the lid is missing I haven't got to lick any catnip powder and I think
I'm going through withdrawals or something.

Buddy says the last time he saw the lid was just before the last time you
came to the human's house. Did you take the lid? If you did can you please
please please bring it back or tell me where you put it?

If you give the lid back please don't put poison on it first.

If you can help please bring me back the lid.


Nugget J. Siltz

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