posted by buddy on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 12:04 PM in category food, the cats, the human

Well I see that my fellow felines have chosen to ignore my boycott of this journal.

What a couple of pussies.

No pun intended.

The human continues his stubborn refusal to allow me to get anywhere near any yummy birds, and this morning his ineptitude showed even more.

Our food bowl was empty from approximately 1:00 AM last night until 9:45 this morning!

How we managed to stay alive, I'll never know

comments (1)

Spam is one of the greatest food inventions... but I digress. I stumbled across your website while looking for diagrams for using English on a cue ball. I found your pool pages amazing and incredible (if not slightly arrogant with the videos)

I've been starved of interesting content on the intarwebnet, but now I think you will be my latest fix. My name is Simon from NYC, NY and I shoot pool as well. I am creating a billiards club for the University of Stony Brook to a) get more people interested, b) have more people play for money ;] c) to get people to petition for better pool tables within residential buildings and d) possibly petition for a poolhall.

P.S. I love your catblog. I don't have any pets (used to have a guinea pig) and I'd want a cat.

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I'll pretty much approve anything except SPAM comments, or comments that clearly have no purpose except to piss me off, or comments that are insulting to a previous commenter.

Use anything you want for your name and email address. I think it has to at least look like a valid email address though.