(draft) Clear amber. Nice whitish head. Smells like malt and peat to me. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor sharper than I was expecting. Smoky and malty. Quite good.
Ounces Consumed: 132(draft) Clear amber. Nice whitish head. Smells like malt and peat to me. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor sharper than I was expecting. Smoky and malty. Quite good.
Ounces Consumed: 132(draft) Brown on top, golden on bottom. Small white head. Aroma of malts and molasses. Medium mouthfeel. Tangy flavor with a bit of a bite at the end. Good.
Ounces Consumed: 11(draft) Clear dark copper in color. Good head. A delicious aroma of malt and oak and molasses. Syrupy mouthfeel. Flavor is mostly malt, with the slightest hints of dark fruits. Damn good.
Ounces Consumed: 20(bottle) Hazy brown. Minimal head. Aroma is complex and very strong, with malts and hops and nothing else. Flavor is mostly weird malts. Most quads feature dark fruit flavors, this is all malts. The two inches of sediment in the bottom of the bottle grossed me out. Overall, not bad, not great.
Ounces Consumed: 22(draft) Fizzy clear light amber in color. Nice white head. Aroma of floral hops and rye. Tastes like it smells. Creamy mouthfeel. Aromatic hops and a hint of rye. Could use more rye. Still good, though, and the balance got better as the glass got emptier.
Aside: This is my 750th beer review here. I should have a beer to celebrate!
Ounces Consumed: 11(draft) Hazy brown. Huge white head and good lacing. Light aroma of spices and hops and malts. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor hard to describe. Sweet with a slightly bitter finish. Damn good.
Ounces Consumed: 4
(draft) Clear dark bronze. Decent head. No detectable aroma. Flavor of dried cherries. The finish was quite drying as well. A good beer, but weird.
(draft) Clear dark orange in color, this beer didn't seem to have much of an aroma. So I was surprised to find such a funky and citrusy flavor. To be fair, this beer may have clashed greatly with the chocolately porter I'd had earlier, but I don't think I'd have liked it all that much anyway. I only drank a few sips, then I gave the rest away.
Ounces Consumed: 4(bottle) Hazy and fizzy brown, with a smallish head that fizzes away fairly quickly. Aroma of woods and roasted malts. Mustier than usual for this style, I think. Medium mouthfeel. Nice malty flavor. A bit of molasses in there, too, but not enough to make it gross. A good beer, maybe a yummy one.
Ounces Consumed: 25(bottle) The color of dark cola. No head whatsoever. Aroma was weird. Dark fruits reminded me of a strong Belgian. Surprising to find this aroma in an imperial stout. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor was surprisingly good. Fruity and malty. Definitely different. I have another bottle in my fridge, and I'm looking forward to opening it soon.
Ounces Consumed: 35(bottle) Pale orange, slightly fizzy. Minimal head that went away before I could tell what color it was. Floral and malty aroma. Flavor lightly fruity. There's a bit of sourness that surprised me. Not too bad. Decent, I'd say. Maybe it would be better on tap.
Ounces Consumed: 25(draft) Looked like a lager. Nice white head. Very unusual aroma that I never could place. Flavor was mild and maltier than I was expecting. Finish a little bitter, because of the chiles I suppose. Stronger than it tastes. Decent.
Ounces Consumed: 29(draft) Hazy Gold. Nice white head. Mouthfeel almost creamy. Light aroma and flavor of apples and pears. There's a weird funky finish that I could definitely do without. Decent is all I can say.
Ounces Consumed: 10(bottle) Fizzy orange in color, with a decent white head. Citrusy aroma. Mild citrusy and malty flavor. Not the worst beer I've ever had. Decent, but weird.
Ounces Consumed: 16(draft) Cloudy dark yellow. Nice white head. Smells like grass. Tastes better than it smells. Medium mouthfeel. Citrusy and wheaty flavor. Actually good.
Ounces Consumed: 8(draft) Dark brown, duh. Smallish tan head. Aroma of roasted malts and molasses. Weird for what's ostensibly a brown ale. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor of burnt molasses, but in a good way. A very good way, actually.
Ounces Consumed: 12(draft) Hazy very dark brown. Minimal white head. Indescribable aroma. Maybe light chocolate and light malts. Thick mouthfeel. Amazing and indescribable flavor of nuts and chocolate and roasted malts. Very very good.
Ounces Consumed: 23(bottle) Hazy orange in color. No head whatsoever. Light aroma of wheat and hops and smoke. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor a slightly tart wheat beer but with a very light touch of smoke. Much more tame and less weird than I was expecting. Good, though.
Ounces Consumed: 40(draft) Cloudy dark brown with a ridiculous tan head. Strong peat aroma. Creamy mouthfeel. Flavor peaty and malty and a little smoky. Quite good.
Ounces Consumed: 32(bottle) Clear dark amber, with a decent beige head. Enticing aroma of malts and caramel. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor mild, with malts and dark fruits. A fairly strong alcohol burn is present all the way to the finish. Pretty damn good.
Ounces Consumed: 12(draft) The first few sips, understandably, brought to mind a beer with ginger ale poured into it. By the end of the glass I'd decided that I did like this beer, and that I wished that it was even a little stranger than it was. Very unusual, and very drinkable.
Ounces Consumed: 40(draft) Tastes like a pilsner until you swallow, that's when the funkiness takes over. I guess the funkiness was due to the sake yeasts used on the rice. My enjoyment of this beer grew with each sip, and I missed it when it was gone.
Ounces Consumed: 100(bottle) Hazy yellow. Fading white head. Aroma of grass and wheat and must. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor a little wheaty and a little sour and a little weird. Smooth finish. A good beer.
Ounces Consumed: 2(draft) Clear amber in color. No head to speak of. Very strong aroma of coconuts, of all things. Mouthfeel was fairly thin. Coconut predominates the flavor, just like it does the aroma. Smells like suntan lotion,a nd tastes like what I imagine suntan lotion tastes like. After an inch or so was gone, this started to taste a little better. What was strange was that I got absolutely zero indication of this beer's alleged bourbon influence.
Ounces Consumed: 10(draft) Clear dark copper in color. Good head and lacing. Strong spice and malt aroma and flavor. Mouthfeel seemed a little watery at first, but it seemed to thicken as the glass emptied. Flavor is nutmeg and cinnamon and a touch of citrus. A lingering slightly hoppy finish. A yummy beer.
Ounces Consumed: 132(bottle) Dark brown with a light beige head. Aroma of caramel and molasses. Fizzy mouthfeel. A touch of smoky flavor, but mostly it tastes like a candy bar. Decent and drinkable, however, just not worth the price.
Ounces Consumed: 25(draft) Dark red, and sour. The first sip pretty much tells the whol story of this beer. I recommend it to anyone wanting to try something different, and almost everyone who's tried it has liked it a lot.
Ounces Consumed: 115(bottle) Clear brown. Nice white head that vanished in a few seconds. Light aroma of malts and tea. Medium mouthfeel. Clean malty flavor. Nice smooth finish. Good.
Ounces Consumed: 12(bottle) Clear amber, with a whitish head that faded quickly. Surprising aroma of chocolate and molasses. Fizzy mouthfeel. Flavor of malts and spices. Clean finish. Not too bad.
Ounces Consumed: 72Clear dark orange. Kind of a weird color. No head to speak of. An aroma of malts and hops that was pretty enticing. Medium mouthfeel. The flavor was extremely good. The hops seemed to be a mixture of the piney kind (which I hate) and the flowery kind (which I love) and there was also a strong malty component to the flavor, and a tiny hint of smoke. Definitely very interesting and drinkable. I'd love to try this on tap someday. Yummy.
Update 110208: I've had it on tap, and it's still yummy.
Ounces Consumed: 1291(draft) Clear brown. Zero fizz. Smells like a pine tree - must be the mugwort. The flavor is very weird, and very good. I like this a lot. Tastes like it should have more alcohol than it does.
Ounces Consumed: 340(draft) Color of clear light bronze. Light agave aroma. Medium mouthfeel. Very light flavor, slightly spicy at first, then nothing. Good, but could use more of everything.
Ounces Consumed: 81(draft) Clear reddish-brown. No appreciable head. No appreciable aroma. Flavor of roasted malts plus weirdness. Nice smooth finish. Good. Better than I remembered from before. The ridiculous hoppy bitterness is gone. Definitely a change for the better.
Ounces Consumed: 169(draft) Dark gold. There's an unidentifiable (by me at least) aroma and flavor, both reminiscent of evergreen shrubbery. The finish is drying and long-lasting. It kind of reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd chew on Sassafras leaves. The finish is the most notable characteristic. A decent beer.
Ounces Consumed: 23(bottle) Cloudy brown. Thin head that disappeared right away. Strongly sour aroma. Wow. Extremely sour flavor. Thinnish mouthfeel. Weird, but good.
Ounces Consumed: 6(draft) Clear light yellow. Looked like a light lager. No head. No aroma. Flavor was, thankfully, not hoppy. There wasn't much flavor at all. A little bit of grassiness. A waste of time.
Ounces Consumed: 3(bottle) Cloudy brown. Nice tan head. Aroma of woods and malts - very unusual. Watery mouthfeel. Very weird flavor. Musty/tangy. Quite good, though.
Ounces Consumed: 9(draft) I ordered this by mistake, as I'd thought I was ordering their hefeweissbier. I could not have been more wrong. I did have a few sips of this, to see if it was as disgusting as all dopplebocks are to me. It was. I only had those few sips.
Ounces Consumed: 2(draft) Clear dark orange. Decent whitish head. Aroma of malts and orange peels. Wow. Very malty and spicy flavor. Not at all what I was expecting from the aroma, must be the honey showing up. Nice, though. A fairly mild alcohol burn at the finish. A good beer, but one would be plenty.
Ounces Consumed: 22(draft) Color of cloudy straw. Decent fluffy white head. Smells like hay. Tastes like hay, but in a weird way and not a bad way. Fairly bitter finish for a saison. Decent.
Ounces Consumed: 2(draft) Cloudy brownish-orange. Small white head. Vague clean aroma of various fruit peels. Creamy mouthfeel. Very mild flavor of something I don't really want to think about. Decent, though. I've put this in the Belgian category because that's the kind of glass it was poured in.
Ounces Consumed: 12Very faint peppery aroma, with a little smoke thrown in. Not much taste until the finish, then a little pepper heat. I was expecting more pepper, so I was expecting to dislike this more than I did.
Ounces Consumed: 52(draft) Very dark brown. Huge heaping head. Bitter aroma and bitter flavor. Quite disgusting.
Ounces Consumed: 1(bottle) Fizzy black with a huge tan head. The primary aroma is that of bananas, though chocolate is also detectable. Creamy flavor, mostly of roasted chocolate and some dryness that's probably the peanut butter. Not as flavorful as I'd have liked. Weird and decent.
Ounces Consumed: 25(bottle) Fizzy amber with a large white head. Strong aroma of maple syrup and a touch of smoke. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor of maple syrup is pretty much overpowering anything else that might be there. Weird, and just barely decent.
Ounces Consumed: 25(bottle) Clear dark amber. Tan head that faded quickly. Aroma of burnt malts and molasses. Medium mouthfeel. It's got that same weird flavor that I find in most bocks. I don't like it.
Ounces Consumed: 2(bottle) Clear light brown. Minimal white head. Aromatic hops and maybe caramel in the aroma. Mouthfeel a little cloying. Flavor sweeter than I was expecting. Good, not great.
Ounces Consumed: 18(draft) Hazy Amber, with a nice lasting white head. Aroma of malts and molasses. Very good musty and spicy flavor. A bit of an alcohol burn at the finish. Very good.
Ounces Consumed: 11(bottle) Hazy copper in color. Huge white head. Medium mouthfeel. Not a lot of aroma or initial flavor - it kinda seemed like a brown ale. After a few sips, the dryness of the rye started to show in the finish. A fairly mild rye beer, but a good one.
Ounces Consumed: 36(draft) Clear copper with a firm white head. Aroma of flowers and bubble gum - very intriguing. Flavor was very complex and hard to describe. There was definitely some lingering hop bitterness at the finish but it was accompanied by the complex flavors so it wasn't overpowering at all. An IPA that I actually like. Wonders never cease.
(draft) Clear pale amber large white head. Light floral and malty aroma. Thick mouthfeel. Very nice flavor of light malts. Much more dry than I was expecting. Dry finish as well. A very good beer.
Ounces Consumed: 15(bottle) The color of flat cola. No head. Aroma of malts and molasses. Medium mouthfeel. Fairly biting flavor of molasses and dark-roasted malts. Tastes like a barleywine to me. A good beer, but not a great one.
Ounces Consumed: 22(bottle) Clear and fizzy golden in color. Nice white head that lasted long enough. The aroma was of apples and pumpkins. The flavor was decidedly weird. Apples and pumpkins and dark fruits - it was a little too weird for my tastes. I didn't finish the bottle. Decent is all I can say.
Ounces Consumed: 56(bottle) Almost black, with a thin brown head. Aroma of apples and I think caramel. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor like the aroma, with a bit of gasoline weirdness at the finish. Weird, but good.
Ounces Consumed: 21(draft) Kind of funky aroma, which was to be expected I suppose. A mild mustardy flavor, just a slight spiciness. Much much better than I'd expected. I will have more of this, definitely.
Ounces Consumed: 348Had a sample, and was intrigued enough to have a half-pint next. Hazy yellow in color. Good head and great lacing. Aroma was mostly floral, with a touch of the bubble gum scent that was expected because of the beer's name. Flavor was pretty damn good. Intense, but it never quite got to the point where it was overpowering. A little citrusy, not bitter at all. A little weird. I liked it a lot.
Ounces Consumed: 7539(draft) Hazy brown. No head. Creamy mouthfeel. Aroma and flavor of malts and molasses. Slightly metallic finish. A decent beer. A little too barelywiney for my tastes.
Ounces Consumed: 11