posted by dave in category apa, decent

(draft) Clear amber in color. Light hoppy aroma and flavor. Just a slightly bitter finish. Pretty tame. I don't like the style, but this was endurable.


Ounces Consumed: 2

posted by dave in category apa, swill

(draft) Hazy Gold. Aroma and flavor of pine needles. Not the kind of hop that I like. Calling it decent goes against my instincts.


Ounces Consumed: 5

posted by dave in category apa, good

(bottle) Clear golden. Good white head. Mild hop aroma. Fairly mild floral hop flavor. Good and quite drinkable.


Ounces Consumed: 76

posted by dave in category apa, decent

(draft) Black with a huge tan head and good lacing. Light hoppy aroma. Thin mouthfeel. Light flavor and finish. A decent beer.


Ounces Consumed: 2

posted by dave in category apa, decent

(draft) Slightly hazy amber. Decent whitish head. Citrusy hoppy aroma. Hoppy flavor, but the finish is smooth. It's actually not too bad.


Ounces Consumed: 4

posted by dave in category apa, decent, rye

(draft) Had a small sample and decided it wouldn't kill me, so I ordered a half-pint. Hazy ruby in color, with a big tan head. Aroma of floral hops. Medium mouthfeel. Flavor mostly hoppy, the rye only shows up after I swallow. A decent beer.


Ounces Consumed: 11

posted by dave in category apa, decent

(bottle) Very clear gold. Light grassy aroma. Minimal white head. Thin mouthfeel. Flavor of grass and citrus. Barely decent.


Ounces Consumed: 12

posted by dave in category apa, decent, rye, smoked

(draft) Hazy light brown, with a decent head and good lacing. Not much aroma or flavor initially, but then a hint of smoke and a hint of a bitter rye finish show up. Decent.


Ounces Consumed: 14

posted by dave in category apa, decent

(bottle) Fizzy clear amber with a nice white head. Looks like a lager to me. Aroma of malts and hops. Tastes like a mild APA, maybe a blonde. Decent if you like this kind of thing. I was expecting more than this.


Ounces Consumed: 22

posted by dave in category apa, decent, fruit

(bottle) Fizzy light gold. Decent white head that dissipates quickly.Aroma of Jolly Rancher watermelon and green apple candies. Fizzy and thin mouthfeel. Flavor like the aroma, but also with a touch of hoppiness. Not too bad. Decent, I'd say.


Ounces Consumed: 36

posted by dave in category apa, swill

(bottle) Clear gold, with lots of bubbles. Decent white head. Aroma of the kind of hops that I don't like and metal. Bitter and thin at first. Got slightly better by the end of the first bottles, but it still sucked.


Ounces Consumed: 24

posted by dave in category apa, weird, wheat, yummy

Had a sample, and was intrigued enough to have a half-pint next. Hazy yellow in color. Good head and great lacing. Aroma was mostly floral, with a touch of the bubble gum scent that was expected because of the beer's name. Flavor was pretty damn good. Intense, but it never quite got to the point where it was overpowering. A little citrusy, not bitter at all. A little weird. I liked it a lot.


Ounces Consumed: 7539

posted by dave in category apa, good

(draft) Hazy orange with a nice white head. Strong aroma of floral and piney hops. Medium mouthfeel. Nice flavor, kind of like a strong Gumballhead. Lasting hoppy finish. A good beer, which surprises me.


Ounces Consumed: 58