1. A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.
So I've been thinking about taking a trip.
I've got all these skymiles to use up before Delta goes out of business, and there are places I'd really like to see.
I'd like to travel to New England and across the Northern states to get those colored in on my map.
I'd like to visit the Southwest because it's very cool there. Actually anywhere with some mountains would be nice.
I also need to make it to Hawaii someday. That trip, after all, is what I've been saving my miles for. It just seems a little too depressing to go to Hawaii by myself, and there's no one I'd care to go there with.
Hell I might as well think big and envision a kind of world tour. My previous out-of-country trips were all during the first Gulf War and there was no time for sightseeing.
The thing is, after spending the first 18 years of my life in a total of 2 houses, I then spent the next 15 years never staying at any one place for more than about 21 months.
I've now completely shattered that pattern. This December will mark my 5th anniversary in this house.
Not that I want to move or anything. I'd just like to get away for a while. Ideally for several weeks, but even a long weekend would be refreshing if I could spend it away from the places and people that populate my everyday life. Just to have a change of pace, you know.
I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. My vacation days are already taken up each year by the Derby City Classic pool tournament. In a couple more years at my job I'll get another week of vacation so maybe then I'll get that chance to go out and enjoy my own company again like I used to.
These days I get all caught up in other things and other people and the time I do spend by myself is spent doing the same things over and over.
Sometime I miss the old days where I was answerable to nobody but myself.
Sometimes I miss me.