I've had this subject in my head for a while and I've been struggling with how to express my thoughts without sounding like I'm lecturing. I don't think it's worked.
I've known women that have never gone more than a few weeks without a boyfriend or a husband.
I've known people that have changed jobs like they've changed underwear, and I've known some that move back and forth across the country several times, never quite settling down anywhere.
These people are searching for their happiness, and I think they're looking in the wrong places.
You're not going to find happiness in any person, or at any place, or in any situation, until you find it in yourself.
If you're not happy with the person that you are, well that trumps everything else.
So stop looking outward for something to cure your sadness. The cure is right there inside you. Accept who you are and learn to get along with yourself. You'll never find a better friend.
Others have certainly said these things much more eloquently than I ever could. I've just had them in my mind lately and felt the urge to purge a little.