I think I mentioned before that I've decided to split up my remaining vacation time this year into several little mini-vacations.
In the past, I've pretty much just used it all for this pool tournament in January. This year I'm only going to use up two days for the tournament, and the remaining (5 days currently) I'll use to create or extend some 3-day weekends and take short trips. Like I did with Omaha last Spring, Portland this past March or with Cincinnati this past weekend.
I have fun on these trips, and I've decided that I need to take more of them.
So I've put a form on my where I've been page for you readers to suggest places for me to go.
All reasonable suggestions will be considered.
Telling me to go to Hell, while both predictable and humorless, is unfortunately not something I'll be able to consider. I've already been there. Didn't like it much.