So I'm pretty disappointed with my stalker community.
I mean, I had one girl surprise me in Las Vegas, but I'm not even sure that PictureGirl counts because she knew me then found my journal.
But I had zero obsessed stalkers in Denver. Just like in there were zero in Cleveland and in St. Louis earlier this year.
The Denver count makes me sad. I had high hopes (Okay, regular hopes. Okay, slim hopes. Okay, it at least crossed my mind) that my favorite Coloradonian would show up at the airport, or at the hotel. She could have at least written a message in blood, professing her undying devotion, on my rental car's windshield.
That would have made the trip worthwhile.
Anyway, I'm home now. My bedroom window is in the Northeast corner of my house. I usually sleep in the nude.
Watch out for bees though. There may be some left out there.