posted by dave on Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 1:06 AM in category ramblings

My sister Dina (Happy Birthday!) used to do this bullshit on Thanksgiving. It's been a couple of years though. Maybe she's stopped. Maybe she's given up.

I fucking hope so.

What she'd do is, she'd point a fucking camcorder at me and make me say what I'm thankful for.

Yeah, I know. Barf-o-rama.

The problem with this, besides how incredibly gay it was, was that no matter how many things or people I listed, I'd always leave someone or something out. That was my main problem with the whole thing - there was no way that, under such pressure, I'd ever be able to list everything and everyone that I was thankful for. I'd leave somebody or something out, and somebody would get upset.

Well, here it is, November 22nd. 2006. Thanksgiving Eve. I haven't written anything in days. I've been drinking.

I'm going to list the people that I'm thankful for.

But I'll just list the first three people.

There are more, to be sure, but these three are most obvious. The most deserving of my thanks.

These are in no particular order.

1. RockGirl. I don't even know where to start. I am more thankful for RockGirl than I am for the Sun continuing to rise and set. And that's not even close to how thankful I really am. I've said before that I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for RockGirl. People may think that's an exaggeration, but they're wrong. She healed me when everyone else would have given up and started covering me with dirt.

2. HatGirl. She takes my friendship without reservation. She ignores me when I'm too bold, and she accepts me unconditionally at all other times. She is adorable, and she is adored. There are simply no words that could adequately describe her. I'm a rambling fool most of the time, but when it comes to HatGirl I'm at a loss for words, and I've been at a loss for words for over a year.

3. MixedSignalGirl. She taught me how to be a person, though I had no desire to learn. She taught me how to love, though I thought I already knew. She taught me how to see the world through the eyes of another person, though I saw no need for that ability. She tore off my blinders, and forced me to look at the world I lived in.

These are the first three people that pop into my head when I wonder who I'm thankful for.

This is, to be perfectly honest, no great feat. Because these people are in my head most of the time anyway.

comments (1)

Just an update to say that it was apparently SpoonsGirl who was the annoying camcorder person. I'm sure that Dina can understand that whenever I think about a camera being pointed at my face, it's Dina that I immediately assume is holding the thing.

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