posted by dave on Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 11:47 PM in category ramblings

So today sucked.

No real symptom of the suckage really stood out, but I've, over the years, become quite an expert on these things. So, trust me. Today sucked.

On a completely unrelated note, I keep catching myself thinking that I would make a better significant other for a certain person than another certain person, both of whom shall remain unnamed here.

For one thing, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be such a shithead. For another thing - well I guess the non-shithead thing is all I've got. But that's enough for me to keep thinking about it.

This is not a very productive exercise for me to be engaging in so I've been trying to switch my train of thought to another, slightly less useless track.

What I've been trying to think about is the almost undeniable fact that, if a girl were considering me as a potential boyfriend, I'd almost certainly be better than nothing. This is actually a big realization for me. My self-confidence has obviously been skyrocketing lately. I cannot for the life of me figure out why that might be.

I'm thinking of having a t-shirt made with the words almost certainly better than nothing printed on the front.

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