I have this thing I do. Like a test, for girls that I meet at Rich O's. A suitable metaphor probably exists, I just can't think of one right now. I was going to use bar, like the kind you jump over, but if I used the word bar and Rich O's in the same paragraph and they didn't mean the same thing, peoples' heads would start to explode. And that would be gross.
So, I observe women. I've probably mentioned that before. But not all of my observations are strictly sexual. Nope, I'm also doing some subconscious evaluating. Some specific evaluating. And over the last several weeks I've regained enough consciousness about myself and the world around me to be able to actually notice what it is that I'm evaluating.
I've been calling it an intelligence test. I've told myself that's what it is. I've told NotHideousGirl that's what it is. But that's not really what it is. Or that's not all that it is. It's much more than that.
I think, if I had to narrow this test down to one crucial element, to the one thing that it tests for more than anything else, that thing would be the ability of a girl to detect bullshit.
This bullshit detector of mine seems to be foolproof. So that's good. What's bad, however, is that it's dependent on a friend of mine being there at Rich O's.
See, he's the source of the bullshit.
And if a girl falls for his bullshit, then she fails my test. Simple as that. She reveals herself as worthless, at least as anyone who could ever be more than a friend.. At least to me. To my friend, not so much. He eats that shit up. That's why he does what he does. Because sometimes it actually works.
I forget where I was going with this.