So I have this super power. Not this one. And not the one that developed after the toxic sludge incident of a few weeks ago. Nope, this particular super power is one that I've had for most, if not all, of my life.
See, I can tell, without a doubt, when I've become superfluous to those around me.
This super power is quite handy. Because the line between unnecessary and unwanted is such a thin one. The slightest push can cause me to cross it. Because of this super power of mine, I can usually manage to bow out before that push becomes necessary. I can save myself a lot of grief, that way. Because nobody ever wants to feel unwanted.
Tonight, I became superfluous at 8:45 or so. And, at 8:46 or so, I bowed out.
Fuck, I had something in my head a few minutes ago. Something that would have fit in quite nicely with this entry. But now I can't find it in my head.
Please bear with me, I'm gong to look inside my head for a few minutes. Maybe I can find its hiding place...
Crap, can't find it.
Oh well.
One thing that I wanted to say, though, was that it really sucks sometimes to realize that you're completely unnecessary. And that it especially sucks to realize it when you first wake up in the morning, or when you first walk into a bar, or when your friends first walk into a bar, or when you're noticed and acknowledged out of guilt and/or pity and for no other reason.
Okay, so it pretty much sucks all the time.
But it's still better than being pushed across that line, and going from unneeded to unwanted.