There's this thing, this oath, in the justice system. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, it says.
Well, this latest conversation bit of meddling that I've heard about is one in which the truth was spoken. The truth, but not the whole truth. Not even fucking close to the whole truth.
The whole truth in this situation is something that I alone know. Everyone else is just guessing and extrapolating. And I wish that people would stop speaking their half truths on my behalf. Because it's not doing any good. No good at all. Harm, in fact.
Misinformed appeasement is unfair. It's a lie. It's a delay of the inevitable.
That's the word that's stuck in my head tonight.
What an incredible understatement that is.
I've asked that people stop meddling. I'm now starting to realize that I've been asking for something that cannot be done. So, I'm amending my request.
How about, instead of making shit up when you feel the need to express your opinion, how about just saying, "I don't know. You should ask Dave."
Put the fucking burden on me, where it belongs.