This is a unique situation for me. There's no doubt about that.
Never before and, I hope with all my heart, never again will I find myself struggling like this again.
Searching frantically for purchase on such a sheer rockface. Reaching out wildly at each passing outcropping and crevice as I fall, hoping against hope that I can slow my descent. Survive to climb again.
But it's exhilarating, in its own special way. The stark contrast. The points of light shining so brightly against that ebony background.
I could mix metaphors all day and all night, I think.
Anyway, I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what happened.
I mean, I know pretty much when it happened. I just don't know what it was. What I did wrong, said wrong, thought wrong, felt wrong.
Clearly, I did something wrong. Clearly, it's all my fault.
What was once gray has separated like oil and water, has become bright tiny sparks in the dark. Stars, beautiful but oh so distant. Useless, but necessary. Oh so necessary.
I seem to be thinking about stars a lot lately.