The gentlest of tugs, that's all it would take. It's so weird to be writing that. Even more weird to be thinking it. Knowing that it's true.
Note that I do not and cannot count the oh-so-kind offer that StupidGirl made in February. That wasn't a gentle tug - it was a mighty yank - and instead of moving me in the desired direction, it simply broke off yet another piece of me, leaving everything else stationary.
Sometimes, even for the intangible, slow and steady can work when fast and sudden don't.
I should write that down. It seems important.
Oh wait, I just did write it down.
A lot of things in life come around a lot easier when undertaken gingerly, especially the big things.
I think you want to do it, you just have to have the right reason in mind to take that step. The right tug, you might say.
posted by: NakedGirl | April 6, 2009 1:42 PM
A tug would be nice. I wouldn't even care that much about the direction.
posted by: dave | April 6, 2009 2:43 PM