posted by dave on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 2:07 PM in category quiz

Here's another one from facebook. I should be doing these in vlog format.


Who is the person in your life who taught you the most valuable life lessons?
MixedSignalGirl. I answered this question immediately, without giving it any thought whatsoever. I'll stick with that answer, but I'll add the "normal" people like my parents and such.

What is your earliest childhood memory?
I remember my mom holding a baby that, to my horror, wasn't me. I had a new sister named Dina. My next earliest memory, as far as I can tell, was of playing with a girl with long dark hair. Research has indicated that this was probably my cousin Terri, and I was two or three years old.

Where was the last place you made 'whoopie'?
My bed.

When did you wake up today?
About 8:00. I wish I would have slept longer.

Why did you cry last?
Me strong man. Me no cry.

Who is your favorite male actor?
Keifer Sutherland.

What was the last movie you watched?
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a couple of nights ago. I thought it was a stupid movie.

Where do you do most of your shopping?
A gas station down the road from my house. Stupid question. The place where I spend the most money is Rich O's.

When did you last tell someone that you loved them?
Within the last six months, I think. She didn't believe me, I guess because of all the zillions of times I'd lied to her.

Why did you tell your last 'white lie?'
I have no idea. I'm a very honest person.

Who do you look more like - your mother or your father?
My mom. I actually think I look more like my maternal grandfather, except he was bald and I'm not.

What color is your vehicle?
Red or black or blue, depending on which vehicle you mean. I drive the blue truck the most. This is probably a variation of the "What's your favorite color?" question that usually pops up in these things.

Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation?
Australia probably. Or Alaska. Or Russia. I'm easy. Usually I just want to get away from here, and the actual destination is secondary at best.

When was the last time you disappointed someone or hurt their feelings?
Within the last month, I bet. Hard to say. Disappointing someone and hurting their feelings can be two very different things.

Why do you think you are a 'good catch?'
Because I'm awesome. True, so true.

Who is your bff?
HatGirl and RockGirl.

What is the best feature on your body?
I've been complimented on my tongue. Does that count? Sometimes girls like my eyes, because they supposedly change color.

Where would you get a tattoo - if you would get a tattoo?
If I HAD to get one it would be on my upper arm. I can't imagine ever getting one, though.

When and what did you have for dinner today?
A fish sandwich and fries at the haunted Burger King. They were yummy.

Why did you take the time to complete this survey?
Because I was incredibly bored.

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