Maybe it's really just hope that I miss. Nah.
Going to Rich O's to glare at my phone and cross my fingers for a while.
I'm not going. It's not even close to being worth the risk.
I'm actually a little disappointed. Not surprised, though.
I want to email her that I miss her. I won't, though.
I like the mood that I'm in right now. It suits me.
Keeping my mind busy, inventing scenarios in which this could still work. The problem, with all of them, is that I can't do them alone.
What to do, what to do? I know, I'll go to Rich O's for a change!
Okay, so I guess I've decided to stay awake forever. Saves me the trouble of
trying to remember my dreams.
I end this night, as I've ended so many nights before, wishing things had
been different.
I'm pretty sure that I'm allowed to be sad about this. My heart goes out to AlliGirl and her family.
I was literally standing up to leave when OddlyFamiliarGirl came in. I ended
up staying for about 10 more minutes to talk to her, but I was pushing my
luck, I think.
HotEuchreGirl is here.
Better at hiding it, but definitely still hiding it. maintain perspective. Failing.
(draft) Scary lager-colored, with a nice white head. Light malty aroma, with hops and nuts also. Mouthfeel is kind of creamy, and the flavor is mild, with malts and grasses. Not bad, not good.
That is all.
That would be nice, I think.
Watching The Breakfast Club on Netflix.
I kinda want to go out to my garage and drink a beer. I kinda want to go to
Denny's. So far, I'm doing neither of those things. So far, I'm sitting at
my computer because Nugget is asleep on my lap and I don't want to wake him
up because he'll dig his claws into me and it will hurt.
Sometimes, I'm funny. Even if I'm the only one who gets the joke.
It was so fantastic, even if it was only for little stretches of time, and
even if it was never everything I really wanted.
I took a nap. Then I hit the snooze bar for an hour. So now I'm waiting for
my face to dewrinkle so I can go to Rich O's.
I really want to get away from here for a day or two.
Wearing a tie for the first time in almost four years.
...I'm still awake. That's one of the problems with having a nice night - I don't want it to end.
Break a leg. I know you'll do great!
I had an actual nice night tonight. It lasted about five hours longer than I'd planned, but it was nice.
There was a kitty in the parking lot, but it wouldn't come to me, and I couldn't catch it. :(
I'm surrounded by preverts.
OddlyFamiliarGirl decided to leave her house!
Hocus-pocus. Abra-cadabra. Etc.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Marzen is back. I was totally over the Fastenbier.
But now I'm wondering if that was part of the test.
...I need a drink.
We're wasting time.
I overshot my mark, and now I'm afraid that I'll be awake all night.
I need to buy new sonic doohickies to keep mice away from my Monte Carlo.
Fighting to stay awake, and get my schedule back to normal.
I never really asked for much. Just a chance, really. Now, I'm asking for a miracle. This, I realize, is much less likely, but I'm still asking.
It's pizza night. I'm trying to decide between four places.
I've been painted into one.
That was weird, I think.
I miss the old one. This new one sucks.
And so, it begins...