That's the closest text approximation I can make of the sound that my smoke alarm makes when it wakes me up. It did so last night because my blower motor on my HVAC system seized up and started releasing large amounts of smoke into my ductwork.
Besides the fun of being jolted awake by that lovely noise, I also got to enjoy the unique smell of burning electrical parts.
Well my house didn't burn down. I hit the circuit breaker and tore the cover off my air handler to make sure that there was no actual fire, then cancelled Fire Dept visit that ADT had dispatched.
I sit here now, after a pretty cold night with no heat, waiting for the repair guys to show up and tell me how much it will cost to get my blower moter replaced.
In about fifteen years I also expect my heartrate to return to its normal pace.
Maybe by then Nugget will come out of hiding.