On Friday and Saturday many people in the Edwardsville area spent their days clearing fallen trees and limbs from the Thursday tornado(es).
On Sunday tornadoes came again, and they hit a lot of the same places. Talk about adding insult to injury.
The church across the street from where I grew up had its driveway completely blocked. Again.
The old house where my grandmother used to live had some serious tree damage. Again. This time a tree split in half and part of it actually hit the house.
The owners of Polly's Freeze, next door to my grandmother's old house, lost trees. Again.
The Sunday storm seemed to pass behind the church, continuing on to the road where my cousin Jeff lives. Many trees were taken out along that road. Again.
Another thing I saw was that the little red shed, the shed I'd built when I lived in the double-wide after I'd first moved back to Edwardsville, had been destroyed by a toppled tree.
My own street was once again pretty much spared. Once again my power stayed on throughout the day and night.
On Sunday evening the "real" storm line was scheduled to pass through the area, and the shit was really supposed to hit the fan.
As far as I can tell somebody forgot to tell the storm about that plan. All it did was rain at my house. My cousin Jeff, feeling a little rattled after tornadoes had passed over his house and tore down his road twice in a four-day period, came over to my house and we sat in my basement watching the weather reports.
After the afternoon's excitement the nighttime storm was a real letdown.
I may be the only person who feels this way though. Normal people were probably relieved.