One of two things has just happened. Either I've been threatened, or I've been given the most obvious and unnecessary advice ever.
The wording of the message I received is a little ambiguous as to which is the actual case.
The basic gist of the message was Be careful.
I don?t know if the or else was intentionally implied or not.
This little mystery that I've been perplexing over since yesterday certainly seems to have taken an interesting turn.
My question to you, oh anonymous Internet comrade and/or foe, is this: What was the damn e-mail about?
You obviously know me (you used the secret word) yet you don't seem to know me that well - for you're making the same basic assumptions that everyone else that doesn't know me that well has been making.
I've managed to be in a good mood for two days straight and so I'm going to end this a little abruptly.
Feel free to send another message via my form thingy or *gasp* an actual e-mail. Call if you know the number. I welcome discussion on this - it's cheaper than therapy and I just might learn something.