posted by dave on Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 11:45 PM in category entertainment

Okay, so last week I never got around to writing anything about the results show. Neal left, and I'm glad. I've actually been right about who should go home three weeks in a row. Yay me!

Tonight started out looking like a pretty boring bunch of performances, but things got interesting later. And not always in a good way.

Jordis: Begging for audience participation always turns me off a little. Sang great though. (80 points)

Suzie: Nothing really wrong, just a little boring. I blame the song. I also took off 5 points for breaking out the harmonica twice and playing a total of like 5 notes. She's still hot though. (75 points)

Jessica: Hot. Part haunting, and part bad Cher impersonation. (80 points)

Mig: Pretty good. The best he's done so far. (85 points)

Brandon: Very distinctive voice that I never noticed before. He mumbled a lot and was very pitchy. (70 points)

Ty: Fucking awesome. Why is this guy not already famous? Is it the goofy hair? (95 points)

Heather: Something very wrong. She says she's been sick, and I can tell. (50 points)

JD: Complete crap. I couldn't listen. He blamed his sister for his poor performance. (minus 846 points)

Deanna: I still don't get it with her, and it seems that the band is finally coming around to my point of view. (40 points)

Daphna: I farted and it sounded better than Daphna's performance. The band guy said she'd murdered the song, and I agree. (minus 42)

Tara: I hate that song. She did okay with it I guess. (60 points)

Marty: Really surprised me. The night's second-best performance. (90 points)

I'd really like to see JD finally stop showing up on my television, but I'm afraid that Daphna will be the one leaving tomorrow. We'll see.

(update Wednesday night: Wow, they kicked both Daphna and Heather off the show. I don't really agree with the Heather thing. It also scares me a little that JD wasn't even in the bottom three. Things like this are why I've been getting so frustrated with American Idol the past two seasons. The sympathy voters have way too much power.)

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