Slept all night last night, so I'm caught up for the first time in a long time. Odd to actually be alert in the morning.
Today I'm having a bunch of dirt delivered so I can try to do something about this damn hole in my back yard. This thing has so far eluded every attempt to fill it. It's becoming hourglassed so filling it isn't as easy as just dumping dirt in. If I knew for sure just how deep this old cistern was I'd be tempted to just drive my truck over the area a few times to cave it in. I guess it's good that I don't drink at home.
Wow, this was an exciting entry.
Maybe I'll spice it up a bit...with pictures!!!
This is the hole. Doesn't look like much but it opens up very quickly and may go all the way to Hell.
Here's the dirt I bought to hopefully fill the hole. I half-expect that I'll be ordering more dirt.