I got this idea from jewels9445.
So, say you were meeting a new person - blind date, new friend, who knows. And you wanted them to have some idea of what kind of person you are, and who you are. But you can't actually tell them in so many words. Instead, you have to give them a box, with a dozen things in it for them to ponder over.
1. A bottle of Delirium Tremens (It's a beer)
2. A kitten (or maybe just a cute picture of one)
3. A cueball
4. A Rubik's Cube
5. One of my CGI landscapes
6. A Kelly Clarkson CD
7. A book: probably something by Heinlein
8. A road atlas of the United States
9. A red rose
10. A smaller box that's empty
11. A printout of some of my 'blog ramblings (EDIT: Replaced with a snow globe with an Alaskan scene.)
12. A pair of jeans