The other day I crossed a line.
Actually I crossed it, and then hung out on the other side for a while, then finally realized where I was and jumped back to the other side.
That there is called a metaphor. I use them a lot. Some of my readers don't seem to get the concept. Perhaps they should find a less challenging 'blog to read.
The truth is - there was no actual line. What actually happened is that I went from whining about certain things to whining about certain other things, and the latter things were things that I'd never whined about before. They were things that no halfway self-respecting person would ever whine about in public.
I whined about them. In public. In this 'blog. So, in metaphorical terms, I crossed the line.
The pansy line.
What happened was, I was writing about how I was irritated with certain things, and the next thing I knew, I was actually listing those things. This was wrong. I should not have done this. For those of you that saw me, standing there like a dork on the other side of the line, and for those of you that felt uncomfortable seeing me there, wondering if I was there because of you, I apologize.
So my hiatus ended about a day earlier I'd thought it would. I'd expected to last until Sunday morning, but before I'd even fully awakened on Saturday I found myself typing away.
This was nothing, this little break I took. But a few people noticed that I was gone. For those of you that offered your help, thank you. For those of you that didn't seem able to deal with my silence, get a life. And for those of you that took the opportunity to chastise and belittle me for showing an actual human side of my personality, fuck off and die slowly and painfully.