I got a PM today, basically telling me that whoever it was liked me better when I'd been drinking because, and I'll go ahead and quote here, "You write much more good stuff when you have dranked alot and your drunk."
Okay, so I'll be a nice guy and ignore the obvious problems with this statement, and I'll instead focus on the underlying message.
Such as it is.
You, whoever you are, you are right, for the most part. I do write better when I've been drinking. I know this, and anyone that's been reading me for any length of time knows this. When I've been drinking, words flow out of me much more easily. When I've been drinking, my inhibitions are either lessened or completely neutered. When I've been drinking, what I write is always a lot closer to what I want to write than it would be otherwise.
So, I have no problem with anyone thinking that I write better when I've been drinking. Hell, I agree with them when they say that.
What I have a problem with, what I take slight umbrage with, what I simply must disagree with, is that I write better when I'm drunk.
The problem I have is this: I've never written a single word here when I was drunk.
The reason for this is simple. I don't get drunk. I am waaaaaaaay too much of a lightweight to ever get drunk, and on those very very rare occasions that I do drink too much, I find myself too busy trying to cope with the swirling and spinning world around me to even consider writing anything.
So there.
And thanks for reading.