There's something that you just don't seem to understand.
When you're in the elevator and it stops at your floor, and the doors open, you seem confused. Allow me to ease that confusion.
At that point, your job - nay, your sole reason for existing, is to get out of that elevator as efficiently as you can
Not to continue yakking with the person next to you.
Not to dig in your purse for your keys.
Not to slowly walk out with your friend while you continue yakking with her.
Not to slowly walk out backwards as you continue yakking with the person who is remaining on the elevator.
Not to almost leave the elevator, but then turn around and block the door so you can continue yakking with the person who is remaining on the elevator.
Just get out of the damn elevator so I, and the others that have been waiting, can get in and get on with our lives.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
You stupid bitch.