I guess I could be imagining things that aren't really there, but I don't think so.
I speak to you, when I'm able, and I hear the strain in your voice. I look at you, when I dare, and I see it in your eyes.
I see the same thing in myself. That constant struggle to censor yourself, to say and do the right thing, it wears at you, drags you down.
And you feel like you can't discuss it with anyone because it makes you seem weak. Because then you would be exposed as the human being that you are. Flawed, just like everyone else.
I'd like to say that, in the end, this war you wage within yourself will be won. That it will be, in the end, worth the stress that you feel right now.
I'd like to say that but it would be a lie. I don't know how it's going to turn out for you. When searching for ourselves we don't always find what we expected. When battling our inner demons the good guys don't always win.
I don't like the way things seem to be turning, but all I can do is wish you well. I can't really help you with this. I could never be objective enough to give you untainted advice.
So I'll just wait, and I'll cross my fingers, and I'll see what happens.